
@Harry — thank you for this piece. Really appreciate your snapshots of actual people that you encounter and observed.

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Excellent writing.

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Thanks Vince, I like your writing a lot too! Have enjoyed several of your articles at this point. Maybe we will meet in person someday and we can talk shop! Thanks, Harry Griffin

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Harry Griffin, Matt Shaw

Name a time and place and fortunately I may be able to be there. Tomorrow where? Ha ha but true.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Harry Griffin

Harry, its a beautiful piece. You know I agree with you 100%. Strangely, the US is a country that doesn't recognize that housing is a basic human right.

Its one of the very few places, actually.

I happened to be reading an article published in the UK newspaper, The Guardian. When "nag" screen popped up with a plea from the editor for funding to maintain their journalistic integrity.

In her brief and wildly succinct plea, she mentions the US media and its failures, as well as pinning blame on billionaires who restrict the media, namely Musk and Murdoch. Yet the real gist was the impotence of the US media and their trying to appease all sides by not accepting the responsibility for outright saying something is flatly wrong.

With this in mind, and even Matt is guilty of this regarding my own personal stories. (Names have been changed and stuck behind a paywall. I cant even read it myself, WTF?!?!)

What is the point of this expression? To write and be restricted, even on a minor level as this?

It is even more disturbing that when I point out the unanswered deaths of law enforcement that even they dont care.

Yeah, thats right... Death doesnt even matter anymore.

This isnt a country anymore, it's a giant workcamp/wage slave factory. Ran by the same people who have been in office for over 40 years.

Homelessness is your only freedom from oppression. It is the only way not to participate in the "Big Lie". However, it seriously decreases your life span.

Take care, Harry.



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Good point about the paywall!

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"Names Have Been Changed" is now public for all.

We had a number of things behind a paywall in hopes of driving subscriptions, but we are going to open most everything back up for all to read.

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Great article Harry; Well written....✌🏼❤️

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Thank you!

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