Love this post. Thankful that we got to publish it.

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I will offer a couple thoughts: I think that I have failed as a writer, at times, to be kind. I have all too often, aired my grievances towards those who loved me so deeply, but who also hurt me in some way I could not let go of in those moments that I was relishing my own words. I heard someone the last day or two call Barry Lopez a "kind" writer, which made realize this all too well, how I have held my wounds to my shoulders like badges of honor. But what brought me back to re-visit this article was a series of thoughts in my journal just now about how the Lord gets us to see things personally, even when it is in the stories of others, even when it is in something completely unrelated to us. It could be in a news story that we hear something that inspires us, or a song on the radio that we think we hear our name called out, but the Lord calls to us in those moments. He speaks to us personally, and He helps us to see through "fresh eyes" in that way too. I just wanted to share that thought with you. Some could call it self-centered-ness, and I think it is true we have to be careful of that... but I do think that the Lord speaks to us in personal ways through a variety of means. Thanks.

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Harry, thanks for this new thoughtful perspective on "fresh eyes."

Living with "fresh eyes" toward others is a generous, more free way of living that I want for myself.

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I tried to write my first piece last night with "a kinder voice" and it felt so strange... sort of arguing with myself that something I had experienced had, for once, perhaps, just maybe (gasp), been, would you believe, MY OWN FAULT?!? No telling how the piece is going to turn out but wow it felt weird. Maybe I can report back with more on this later... wow, it felt so strange!

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Dec 31, 2020

Lana, Please Speak Up more often! ❤

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