
Ann, thanks for sharing about this encounter. Really appreciate your transparency in this story.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023Liked by Ann Nelson, Matt Shaw

Such an awesome experience for you. Thank you for grappling with all this. so often we mentally go to "how do I fix this" rather than how can I stay in the moment with this person. There is a movie, The Soloist, with Robert Downy, Jr. and Jamie Foxx, that I love because Downy's character goes through the progression of trying to "fix" Foxx's character, and in the end, realizes that that he just needs to be a friend...

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Ann Nelson, Matt Shaw

So good, Ann, and so true. Profound insight on your part. I know many who just long to eat and enjoy their food with company without having to give answers right away. Thanks for sharing.

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