When you are living from paycheck to paycheck there is not much wiggle room. Things break, things run out, stuff gets used up. You learn to fix things on the fly, improvise. Duck tape and zip ties become the norm. The struggle is real!
I knew I was low on gas, but not that low. I arrived home feeling pretty good, everything seemed right, life felt good. So my roommate needed a few things at the store, no problem or was it. So I get a cold drink and back into the car and off I go, about a quarter of a mile when my gas tank gave up the last of it's fumes. I managed to back into a little used driveway, off to the side, out of danger, safe. God is real!
Now what? I walk back to the house and dig out the gas can. Scare up a few dollars and proceed one and a half mile walk, I travel less than a block or two and a couple of guys on their way home from work give me a ride right to the gas station I get my gas and walk part way back and a kind soul brings me the rest of the way. God is real!
I put the gas in the tank but the fuel line is fouled and it won't start. So I figure I need some gas treatment, some STP and some more gas. I head back to the store, this time I walk the mile and a half. So I have no cash but there is money on my debit card, but the card won't work, it had been compromised and a hold was on it. I'm starting to go into a panic. The struggle is real!
So I return the STP to the shelf and proceed to leave the store, when a woman approaches me and says she'll buy it for me. Which she does and then hands me forty dollars. I get more gas and walk back. God is real!
The car won't start. The struggle is real!
So I make a sign that says twenty dollars and hold up my jumper cables. Two nice ladies stop to help. God is real!
It won't turn over, their battery wasn't strong enough. The struggle is real!
I now see my neighbor is home, I figure his truck can jump my car. He comes down and gets it started, and off I go. It was hot, I was tired and God is real.
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